I must admit, I do have a love hate relationship with Mumbai having lived in that city off and on my entire life. The madness of the city gives you such an adrenaline rush and there are endless opportunities that is just not possible in any other city in India but it is also an extremely exhausting city for me. Despite Mumbai heaving under the pressure of the sheer volume of people flowing into the city on a daily basis, living on the streets because of lack of housing and the infrastructure that is unable to support this influx it is remarkable how somehow it is always holding up.

That was the phase in my life when I worked for Zambia Airways, an airline that sadly does not exist any longer and then with Cathay Pacific. Although both were airlines, my job was very different in nature, but thankfully allowed me to continue to do what I am most passionate about, which is to travel. I think my love for exploring and adventure is probably what organically lead me to choose the travel industry as my career path. After some research, also given my nomadic nature I chose to spend a few years in Mumbai over any other city in the world.
I am grateful to have spent those years in Mumbai, learnt through multiple events while living there that Mumbai is a welcoming city, a spirited city which acts as a catalyst for people from different parts of India to try their luck in whatever it is that they have set out to do with their lives. Undoubtedly people face unimaginable struggles but it also shapes them into people who become extremely resilient, face challenges and eventually overcome their adversities without giving up. A city where dreams can become a reality. There has been a deep learning and understanding and admiration for me personally from the years I have spent in Mumbai. I have learnt firstly not to take things for granted, it has made me acutely aware of my surroundings, far more empathetic and sensitive towards the communities who have similar aspirations but are less fortunate.
All in all, for me, my years spent there will always be remembered with fondness. A city where I have made life long memories. The people, the diversity, the frenzy, the culture, the friends that I have made while living in Mumbai has made it all worth it.